Wegemarkierung Mullerthal (c) Pancake! Photographie (2)

Latest information about paths


Latest information about paths

We constantly care about the quality of the routes. On this page, you find information about works on the Mullerthal Trail routes or whether there are closures or deviations.

The Mullerthal Trail is regularly checked for defects. If you notice missing or damaged markings or signposts during your hike, we would be happy if you would let us know:
quality@mullerthal.lu or +352 72 04 57-1

Thank you very much!

  • Due to necessary forestry work, short-term impairments, deviations or closures on certain paths can occur, especially in the winter months.
  • After heavy rains and due to logging or other forest work, some sections of the path can be very muddy and sometimes difficult to walk on. Therefore, please always think of sturdy shoes.
  • During the hunting season (October - January), go to http://tourisme.geoportail.lu/ in the "Time restrictions" tab to find out about possible hunting in the vicinity of your hiking trail.

You can also find an overview of temporary restrictions along the hiking trails in Luxembourg at the following link: http://g-o.lu/3otmm